Assessment / Treatment
Every treatment plan at OrthoSolutions begins with a complete assessment of your condition and overall health. To ensure continuous care we will coordinate with your physician or specialist. Working towards your objectives, your orthotist communicates and explains your recommended course of action. Our assessment also includes analysis of your walking ability with our biomechanical gait analysis.
We Treat the
Following Conditions

Follow-up care
With regular scheduled follow-ups, we monitor your progress or make adjustments as needed. Our goal is for you to obtain the best result possible

- Abdominal Binder
- Sacroiliac Orthoses
- Lumbosacral Orthoses (Lower Back)
- Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO) (High Back)
- Cervical Orthoses
- Cervico-thoracic Orthoses
- Patella support
- Custom made and prefabricated Knee Braces
- Post-operative/ Post-fracture Knee Orthoses
Custom Orthoses
- Ankle Support (Walking Boot and Active Ankle)
- Custom-molded Flexible or Rigid Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO)
- Custom-molded or Pre-fabricated SMO’s (Supra-malleolar Orthoses)
- Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses (KAFOs)
- Footwear Modification
- Custom-made Foot Orthoses
- Custom-made Toe Correctors (Orthoplasty)
Elbow and Shoulder
- Tennis Elbow Splint
- Custom Elbow Brace
- Custom-fitted and Custom-made Shoulder Orthoses
Wrist and Hand
- Carpal Tunnel Wrist Support
- Prefabricated and Custom made rigid Wrist Hand Orthotics (WHO)
- Thumb Supports